Chapter 9 chapter 9
currently Underway
Chapter 8 Chapter 8
beginning - end
This chapter marks my downfall. Many missed updates and it starts with so much filler. Basically what happens in this chapter is that Christopher has to deal with the concequences of his actions and the concequences of Shadow's actions. Christopher's crush on Shadow begins when they reunite. Shadow mimics Chris' goodbye to Danny as he says goodbye to Rafe on the same cliff. Its is a very short trasitionary chapter.
Chapter 7 Chapter 7
beginning - end
This is the chapter where everything goes to hell, lets see now... Chris' boyfriend turns out to be all talk and Chris gets into a big fight because of him, using his powers when he shouldn't and going a little too far in the fight, Shadow's girlfriend dumps him sending shadow in to a depression spin, Rafe trys to get Shadow out of it and ends up getting killed, Shadow stabs the murder in the eye and runs. But let's focus on the good points: Chris is finally standing up for himself, Shadow is probably going to stop selling drugs and Chris' family is supportive. so if we ignore all the death then its really a happy chapter.
Chapter 6 Chapter 6
beginning - end
Shadows life is just how he likes it, girlfriend, good friends, steady income and brand new peircings. The only thorn in his side is his mother, who just won't do anything to help herself and depends on Shadow, By now he's given up on his father and he doesn't see why his mother can't. Chris on the other hand begins testing his boundaries. Step one: no more church. Step two: gain self-esteem through videogames. Step three: come out. Unfortunately Chris isn't in control of some of that and it ends up tanking.
Chapter 5 Chapter 5
beginning - end
Chris and Shadow have parted ways and are heading down different paths of life. Chris sets up in his new house, rooming with his favorite brother Jake. Shadow is getting more in tune with his social life, girls, popularity and probably making friends with the people Chris wouldn't like too much. Chris has made a few friends, while hanging out with them he finds that he might just like boys, to cope with the shock and personal fear he dives into learning about computers to forget.
Chapter Alt Alternative
beginning - end
Chris and Aro have finally been assigned to a real job, not just tests. Their mission is to overthrow the dictator of one of the worlds superpowers so their boss can take over without starting a rebellion. It's suprisingly easy to do (aka: artist got bored).
Chapter 4 chapter 4
beginning - end
Chris is moving off to a new town because his father got a better paying job and they will be getting a bigger house because his mom wants to adopt more children. So Chris and Shadow have a sleepover and go on a ghost hunt. Of courese they find nothing, much to the dissapointment of Shadow. Though they do get a few things answered.
Chapter 3 chapter 3
beginning - end
Chris finds his way to Earth and into a family. His mom loves children and is quick to adopt him and a girl of 8 named Stacy-anne, The rivalry between Chris and Stacy makes it's first appearance. But aside from evil sisters Chris makes friends with Shadow and Corinth. Shadow manages to become an integral part in the use of Chris's powers, he can get energy easily for Chris to use. Finally Chris gets over his difficult past so he can move on.
Chapter 2 chapter 2
beginning - end
Chris is 6 now and he's being held in the high-security wing of the labs, funds aren't wasted on security that isn't needed, solid walls and no energy sources are enough to keep him at bay. They have been trying to correct his behavior but to no avail, Chris resents everything and when the opportunity arises to escape, he has a plan. The escape works, but maybe it could have gone better, and maybe Chris really didn't hate Danny so much.
Chapter 1 chapter 1
beginning - end
Basically we meet Chris not long before he realizes that his beleifs have been propped up by lies, he proceeds to freak out and run away. From there, the labs try to get him back.

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All content is copyrighted to Rayna Winters (Elyneara) 2004-2006